The role of assisting at Masses and other liturgies is a time-honored tradition in our Church. Boys and girls of the parish in fourth grade or higher are invited to become Altar Servers. They receive complete training in this role. As well, they are instructed in the importance of helping others to worship God and Jesus Christ. Once trained, the Altar Servers are placed on a monthly schedule. For further details, please contact the rectory at 781-762-6080.
The Holy Eucharist; the Body Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, is the source and summit of our faith and life. The Most Holy Sacrament is realized and celebrated in the Liturgy of the Eucharist, Holy Mass. The Church has recognized the need for Lay Faithful to assist with the ministry of Holy Communion, sometimes at Holy Mass, and often to the sick and homebound within the parish. This ministry requires special preparation and is by invitation from the parish priests. If you would like to learn more about this extraordinary ministry, please contact the parish at 781-762-6080.
The proclamation of the Word of God at Masses and other Liturgies is one of the sources of faith, wisdom and understanding God has given to the Church. Because of its importance, the Church takes great care in ensuring that the Spoken Word is proclaimed with dignity and reverence. As a parish, we try our very best to fulfill these expectations. Lectors are specially recruited, trained, and selected for this sacred service. Parishioners who are interested, please call the parish office at 781-762-6080.
Ushers serve at each of the weekend Masses. They help seat parishioners, help receive the collection, distribute bulletins at the end of Mass, and answer any queries or situations that could affect the comfort and concentration of the parishioners at Mass. Please contact the rectory if you are interested in assisting us as an usher.